Marija Koprivica Lelicanin works as Campus Academic Coordinator at SAE Institute Belgrade. She teaches Theory and Method of Mass Media at the SAE Institute in Milan and Research Practice and Society at SAE Institute Belgrade and Jakarta. She is a learning advisor on the Master in Professional Practice in Creative Media Industries at the SAE Institute United Kingdom. Her research interests include cultural and media studies, (critical) discourse analysis, conversation analysis and semiotics. The common thread of her research is the question of how various resources (even multimodal) contribute to the construction of meaning. During the pandemic she completed a series of mini-researches on both institutional and commercial pandemic communication, noting some particularly metamodern aspects. In the field of creative industries and media discourse, she analysed the narrative techniques of web series (e.g. the first RAI webseries) and films (such as the latest film by Paolo Sorrentino) and political speeches and the media representation of social actors. In argumentative language, as are newspaper editorials and academic articles, she is particularly interested in the phenomenon of metadiscourse which contributes to the general cohesion and coherence of the written text.
ORCID: 0000-0003-2092-822