Impact Innovation in The Wider Mediterranean. Designing New Geographies of Stability and Development
€25.00 Iva inclusaISBN 9791255440512, 1st edition june 2024, pagg. 280. Open Access available!
PLAY SERIOUSLY. The Transformative Power of Video Games
€23.00 Iva inclusaISBN 9791255440345, pagg. 204, prima edizione: dicembre 2022, DISPONIBILE IN OPEN ACCESS
Proceedings of AIPnD 14th International Conference on non-destructive investigations and microanalysis for the diagnostics and conservation of cultural and environmental heritage Brescia (Italy) – 2023, November 28th/30th
€57.00 Iva inclusaISBN 9791255440314, prima edizione: novembre 2023, pagg. 328, disponibile in OPEN ACCESS.